Professional Labor Support Packages
Nurture Me Birth Services offers labor support (doula) services to all pregnant women. Our goal is to help every woman have a special and empowering birth experience. Doulas are extremely valuable for women who are wishing to have natural childbirth in a hospital setting, as there are often a few extra challenges and more extensive preparation for natural childbirth to be successful in this setting. Research has proven women who use doulas have fewer Cesarean sections, inductions, episiotomies, forceps and vacuum deliveries, and require less pain medication including epidurals.

Labor Support Package..........$750***
24/7 support by phone, text, or email
Resources and referrals
1 Prenatal visit (1 prenatal visit may be with your healthcare provider)
Birth and newborn plan assistance
Unlimited continuous labor support beginning in your home or hospital
Doula remains with mother 1-2 hours postpartum
Assistance with baby's first feed
Breastfeeding support by phone, text, or email for 6 months after birth
***This package is ONLY available to repeat doula clients and/or moms who have previously had a natural birth. The level of preparation and amount of information we provide is too extensive to cover in one prenatal visit for first time moms.

Labor Support Package..........$850
24/7 support by phone, text, or email
Resources and referrals
2 Prenatal visits (1 prenatal visit may be with your healthcare provider)
Birth and newborn plan assistance
Unlimited continuous labor support beginning in your home or hospital
Doula remains with mother 1-2 hours postpartum
Assistance with baby's first feed
1 Postpartum follow-up visit
Breastfeeding support by phone, text, or email for 6 months after birth

Labor Support Package..........$950
24/7 support by phone, text, or email
Resources and referrals
2 Prenatal visits (1 prenatal visit may be with your healthcare provider)
1 Premium prenatal visit: client-specific nutrition, fitness, and breastfeeding guidance and education
Birth and newborn plan assistance
Unlimited continuous labor support beginning in your home or hospital
Doula remains with mother 1-2 hours postpartum
Assistance with baby's first feed
2 Postpartum visits: first visit within 2 days; second within 6 weeks
Breastfeeding support by phone, text, or email for 6 months after birth
As your doulas, we are available to offer support, advice, and resources 24 hours a day and 7 days a week before your birth and for two weeks after your baby is born. We also offer extended breastfeeding support to our clients, because we strongly promote exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of your baby's life. During our prenatal visits, we will learn about your personal desires and wishes for childbirth and help you design a plan with your birth goals in mind. Once you start labor, your primary doula will be there, supporting you and your partner every step of the way. While you are in labor, we will offer you research-based information, relaxation techniques, hands-on massage, position recommendations, support for your partner, and encouragement as you work hard to bring your baby into the world! Your doula will then remain with you as long as necessary in the immediate postpartum period and assist with initiation of breastfeeding. Once you are home, we will follow up with you in the postpartum period to ensure you and baby are doing well. We also offer in-home lactation visits for our clients! Please refer to the information above for details on what services are included in each package.
Contact us for availability!
If you wish to have a doula for your pregnancy and birth but feel you may need payment assistance, please contact us.
We will do our best to work with you and help you have a positive, empowering birth experience.